

To attain the desired behavior and functionality, the datepicker requires configuration. While we've covered the basics in ourtutorials, all-in-one solution, and modular hooks solution, there's much more the datepicker can offer through various configurations.

The useDatePicker, DatePickerProvider, useDatePickerState, and DatePickerStateProvider functions all accept the same configuration object. This object comprises several parts:

In this guide, we'll delve into describing how to provide a general configuration and showcase the default configuration values.

General configuration

  selectedDates: Date[];
  onDatesChange(d: Date[]): void;
  focusDate?: Date | undefined;
  offsetDate?: Date;
  onOffsetChange?: (d: Date) => void;
  selectedDates: Date[];
  onDatesChange(d: Date[]): void;
  focusDate?: Date | undefined;
  offsetDate?: Date;
  onOffsetChange?: (d: Date) => void;

The datepicker is a controlled component and selectedDates and onDatesChange are required fields for the genaral configuration.

A most common setup is to use the useState hook to handle updates.

const [selectedDates, onDatesChange] = useState<Date[]>([]);
const { data } = useDatePicker({
const [selectedDates, onDatesChange] = useState<Date[]>([]);
const { data } = useDatePicker({

The focusDate serves as the initial value for the time-picker. If it is undefined or absent in the selectedDates array, all time buttons will be disabled.

Additionally, you have the option to include an offsetDate and an onOffsetChange function to manage the offset. This feature proves particularly useful when integrating the date-picker with an input field, managing offset in multiple modes, or synchronizing date selection with offset management.

If neither offsetDate nor onOffsetChange is provided, the date-picker will handle it internally.

Default configuration value

If no configuration is provided, the datepicker will default to the values listed below:

const config: DPConfig = {
  focusDate: undefined,
  offsetDate: new Date(),
  onOffsetChange: undefined,
  dates: {
    limit: undefined,
    mode: 'single',
    minDate: undefined,
    maxDate: undefined,
    selectedDates: [],
    selectSameDate: false,
    toggle: false,
  calendar: {
    mode: 'static',
    offsets: [0],
  exclude: {
    day: [],
    date: [],
  locale: {
    locale: 'en-GB',
    day: '2-digit',
    year: 'numeric',
    weekday: 'short',
    monthName: 'long',
    hour: '2-digit',
    minute: '2-digit',
    hour12: undefined,
    second: undefined,
  time: {
    interval: 30,
    minTime: undefined,
    maxTime: undefined,
  years: {
    mode: 'decade',
    numberOfYears: 12;
    step: 10,
const config: DPConfig = {
  focusDate: undefined,
  offsetDate: new Date(),
  onOffsetChange: undefined,
  dates: {
    limit: undefined,
    mode: 'single',
    minDate: undefined,
    maxDate: undefined,
    selectedDates: [],
    selectSameDate: false,
    toggle: false,
  calendar: {
    mode: 'static',
    offsets: [0],
  exclude: {
    day: [],
    date: [],
  locale: {
    locale: 'en-GB',
    day: '2-digit',
    year: 'numeric',
    weekday: 'short',
    monthName: 'long',
    hour: '2-digit',
    minute: '2-digit',
    hour12: undefined,
    second: undefined,
  time: {
    interval: 30,
    minTime: undefined,
    maxTime: undefined,
  years: {
    mode: 'decade',
    numberOfYears: 12;
    step: 10,

For detailed insights into each configuration aspect, you can access more comprehensive information in the subsequent sections.